
Educational institution «Grodno Trade College» of Belcoopsoyuz proposes the following specialities to the applicants of 2016
Speciality, qualification The form of training On the base of Term of training Introductory tests:
Level of specialized secondary education
2-250135 Accounting, analysis and control Day-time General Basic Education (GBE) 2y. 10 m. contest of the average mark of the general certificate of secondary (base) education.
General Secondary Education (GSE) 1 y. 10 m.
Correspondence GSE 2 y. 8 m.
2-270101 Economy and organization of manufacture
2-27010127 Economy and juridical maintenance of business
Day-time GSE  
1 y. 10 m.
Correspondence GSE 2y. 9 m.
2-250110 Commercial activities
2-250110-02 Commercial activities
2-250110-0235 Commodity research of manufactured goods and foodstuffs
Day-time GSE  
ly. 10 m.
Correspondence GSE 2y. 8 m.
2-250131 Finance
2-25013103 Insurance
Day-time GSE ly. 10 m. contest of the average mark of the general certificate of secondary education
2-250131 Finance
2-25013102 Taxes and taxation
Day-time GBE 2y. 10 m.
