About College
What will be consumer cooperatives like in the present century depends on well-educated specialists and the high level of knowledge they should have. Recent time introduces new alterations, and the modern market of the country requires competitive specialists. Such specialists are trained at our college.
History and Present
Since 1959 the educational establishment «Grodno trade college» of Belkoopsoyuz has been providing the educational services. It is one of the region’s leading educational institutions that prepares specialists for the sphere of trade business.
Now there study 1700 students of day-time and correspondence departments on the following specialities: «Commercial activities», «Accounting, analysis and control», «Economy and organization of manufacture», «Trade business».
The College has good material and technical base, which includes the main college building with the total area of about 2867 sq m, together with studies and laboratories, computer classes, equipped with weighing instruments, cash equipment and computers. Equipped laboratories and classes, methodical sets and didactic materials allow to provide the high professional level of educational process, to simulate specific work situations, bringing the educational process near real conditions of practical work.
In the college building there is a shop and a disco-hall, where the discos and other cultural-mass actions are conducted. Students live in two dormitories, located next to the main building. In the dormitory there is a library, a reading room. The educational literature fund is constantly updated and renewed. In a college health centre there are procedural and physiotherapeutic offices, an isolation ward. The Educational institution has a dining room for 100 seats, an assembly hall and gymnasiums.
Teaching staff
The training of specialists is led by a well-qualified pedagogical group, which consists of teachers, a social teacher, a psychologist.
The teachers constantly raise their professional level at the courses of qualification improvement, faculty of retraining, graduate school at BSEU of consumer cooperatives. The teachers introduce innovative technologies that make education especially interesting and attractive for students. Experienced teachers pass their own knowledge to beginners by carrying out open lessons and out-of-class actions, a contest «Teacher of the year», creative groups and tutorship. The methodical materials worked out by the teachers of the college, were repeatedly rewarded by diplomas of regional and republican exhibitions.
College Traditions
The history of college is rich for its famous traditions. Lots of educational and pedagogical actions are held at college and the students groups every week. Those are the meetings with war veterans and veterans of labour, concerts, contests and competitions, discos etc.
Creative student groups work at the college, together with hobby groups, amateur art activities groups, where everyone can find entrainment to one’s liking. More than once the groups of amateur art activities won prizes in regional and republican contests.
Healthy lifestyle is one of the priority trends of teaching and educational work. With great pleasure students are engaged in volleyball, basketball, athletics, football, chess, draughts, etc. They constantly become prize-winners, win numerous cups and awards in regional and city sports competitions and games, conducted among secondary and higher special educational institutions of Belkoopsoyuz.
Graduates and entrants
During the years of its work our college prepared more than 30 thousand skilled specialists and personnel. They are our pride. Many of them have got the higher education and work successfully for the good of native Belarus, hold main posts. Today the educational institution prepares specialists for the system of consumer cooperatives and other economic organizations.
Welcome to our college!